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Tips + Advice

1. Practice, Practice, Practice: 

Planning and becoming comfortable with the material you’ll be delivering will ease your nerves. It'll help you significantly improve your delivery. Audiences want to connect with the people they’re watching speak or present who are confident about their topic.

2. Know Your Audience:

Your number one goal for any public speaking opportunity is to really connect with your audience. Research the event and check-in beforehand so you know who to expect, what to expect and tailor your speech accordingly.

3. Look Sharp:

The better you look, the more ready and professional you'll feel. A lot of people are going to be looking at you -- make sure you look your best!

4. Be yourself:

The more you try to act like someone you're not on stage, the more people will see right through you. The more you act like yourself, the more confident you’ll seem, and the more the audience will be able to relate to you.  

5. Breath:

"Uhm" and "Uhh" does not impress the audience, it makes you look more nervous. Please, don’t forget to breathe! Take breaths before you present, when you pause and afterwards. You'll do great!

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